Proving that free from allergens needn't mean free from taste or impressive presentation, our Facebook Group members have been bust catering for some Winter birthdays!
I am always quite humbled by the efforts mums go to to make sure their children's allergies and exclusion diets don't limit their experiences of special occasions. Every time I feel as if I can't be bothered, one look at cakes like these, sweets or special meals others are making amidst the normal busy lives they lead pulls me back on track!
Clearly the group's icing and decorating skills are extremely impressive! Perhaps we should start taking orders??!
Have you checked out our Facebook Page yet?
Check our the #freefrom "Frozen" birthday cake!
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Sunday, 14 December 2014
Birthday Cakes!
dairy free,
gluten free,
NEWS free
Ipswich, UK
Monday, 8 December 2014
Pulsetta Breadcrumbs - a Review
Disclaimer - The Recipe Resource was sent a tub of Pulsetta breadcrumbs for the purpose of an independent review. The views expressed are entirely my own - or rather those of my fussy, hard to please taste-testers!
"Pulsetta began as a kitchen experiment that grew into something much more. By using milled pulses (peas and lentils), rather than traditional flour, Pulsetta has a nutritional profile that is truly world-class amongst gluten-free foods. The health benefits of including peas and lentils means Pulsetta contributes towards your 5-a-day of fruit and vegetables!
Pulsetta is completely natural, with nothing artificial added. Pulsetta is nutritious, naturally packed with vitamins, minerals, vegetable protein and fibre. Yet Pulsetta is also free-from most major allergens, without gluten, milk, diary, or egg. This means Pulsetta can be enjoyed by vegetarians, vegans, and coeliacs. Pulsetta is an excellent choice for families, dieters, athletes, and anyone who wishes to follow a healthy lifestyle. With Pulsetta, free-from is only ever an advantage."
We really struggle to get sufficient protein into our daughter in particular, and breadcrumbs which add to both her veg intake AND her protein intake are a fabulous idea. You can replace breadcrumbs with Pulsetta breadcrumbs in so many dishes, as a crispy coating on fish, chicken nuggets, on top of shepherd's pie or vegetable pies.... the list is pretty long. We couldn't wait to try!!
Crumbed Cod Steaks
My boys love their fish, and really miss crumbed cod steaks. A couple of supermarkets now sell gluten free crumbed fish (e.g. Marks and Spencer) but it's not always easy to find. I have tried Hale and Hearty crumbs, which do work well, but are more powdery and less crispy. I also love the idea of a protein boost with added vegetables so was thrilled to have the opportunity to try Pulsetta breadcrumbs.
Further Information on Pulsetta Crumbs:-
Pulsetta is a relatively new company, their mission statement says:-
Our Pulsetta mission is to provide naturally nutritious foods to be enjoyed by as many people as possible, including those wishing for a healthy alternative to other foods, with or without gluten.
Pulsetta seeks to craft bake the best possible products without compromise on quality, and without adding anything artificial. We only use ingredients that are GMO free and ethically sourced.
"Pulsetta began as a kitchen experiment that grew into something much more. By using milled pulses (peas and lentils), rather than traditional flour, Pulsetta has a nutritional profile that is truly world-class amongst gluten-free foods. The health benefits of including peas and lentils means Pulsetta contributes towards your 5-a-day of fruit and vegetables!
Pulsetta is completely natural, with nothing artificial added. Pulsetta is nutritious, naturally packed with vitamins, minerals, vegetable protein and fibre. Yet Pulsetta is also free-from most major allergens, without gluten, milk, diary, or egg. This means Pulsetta can be enjoyed by vegetarians, vegans, and coeliacs. Pulsetta is an excellent choice for families, dieters, athletes, and anyone who wishes to follow a healthy lifestyle. With Pulsetta, free-from is only ever an advantage."
We really struggle to get sufficient protein into our daughter in particular, and breadcrumbs which add to both her veg intake AND her protein intake are a fabulous idea. You can replace breadcrumbs with Pulsetta breadcrumbs in so many dishes, as a crispy coating on fish, chicken nuggets, on top of shepherd's pie or vegetable pies.... the list is pretty long. We couldn't wait to try!!
Crumbed Cod Steaks
My boys love their fish, and really miss crumbed cod steaks. A couple of supermarkets now sell gluten free crumbed fish (e.g. Marks and Spencer) but it's not always easy to find. I have tried Hale and Hearty crumbs, which do work well, but are more powdery and less crispy. I also love the idea of a protein boost with added vegetables so was thrilled to have the opportunity to try Pulsetta breadcrumbs.
- I cut the cod fillets into large pieces and brushed them with olive oil. (If your children can tolerate egg then beat an egg and coat the fish in egg first)
- Then I transferred the cod to a bowl with Pulsetta crumbs in to coat the fish. At first, I thought that insufficient crumbs had stuck, but once the fish was frying I realised I was wrong.
- I pan fried the cod for 5-7 minutes until the crumb had turned golden, like the pieces on the left in this picture.
- Serve with your choice of rice/new potatoes, mashed potatoes, chips and vegetables!
We all ate this meal, not just the children, and everyone spontaneously announced how much they loved the crumb. It was crispy, and really tasty. Definitely something we will be buying in future!
Result - A definite thumbs up, on several counts. Tasty, easy to cook with and offering new possibilities. Perhaps best of all a nutritious non-carbohydrate addition to the children's diet!
Further Information on Pulsetta Crumbs:-
- 80g = 1 of your 5-a-day fruit & vegetable portions (peas & lentils)
- High in fibre
- Sugar-free
- Low in saturated fat.
- 'Best New Use of Food Ingredients Food Manufacturing Excellence Award 2014' Finalist, Food Manufacture.
- 'Foodservice Product of the Year Excellence Award 2014' Finalist, Scotland Food & Drink.
- 'Best New Foodservice Product Innovation Award 2014' Winner, Grampian Food Forum.
- 'Healthy Eating Excellence Award 2013' Winner, Scotland Food & Drink / NHS Health Scotland / Food Standards Agency (FSA).
- 'Profiting Through Research Excellence Award 2013' Winner, Scotland Food & Drink / Interface. 'Commitment to Healthy Eating Innovation Award 2013' Winner, Rowett Institute of Nutrition & Health.
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Christmas Lollies!
So, following on from Emma Cawood's amazing efforts making single ingredient lollies... I decided these would be perfect for the twins' school bazaar next week. After much psyching myself up.... I set everything out and got started...
Tip:- Add flavouring if desired - mint or vanilla, but your lollies will darken unless you have clear flavouring!
I honestly don't think I have *ever* been so nervous about a recipe before. I had never made anything like this - but it was surprisingly easy and I will be far more confident next time! Clearing up took a while, perhaps because I knocked over the sprinkles.....
Clearing up Tips
- 2 cups white caster sugar
- 2/3 cup light corn syrup - if you have this your lollies will stay fairly clear. I desperately wanted to source some, but so far no luck. After reading some excellent info here I decided to use Agave nectar instead. It worked fine, but the lollies were toffee coloured instead.
- Lolly sticks
- silicone baking sheet
- sugar thermometer
- non stick pan
- bowl of cold water large enough to submerge lower half of the pan.
Tip:- Add flavouring if desired - mint or vanilla, but your lollies will darken unless you have clear flavouring!
- Heat the sugar and syrup in the pan and using a sugar thermometer heat and stir until it is boiling at 310F
- Remove from the heat. Submerge the lower half of the pan in the cold water bowl for 10-15 seconds, keep swirling/stirring.
- As it thickens up pour the liquid sugar on top of the lolly sticks in 1 inch circles. (If it spreads too much, it's still too hot)
- Quickly add sprinkles etc before the surface cools!
I honestly don't think I have *ever* been so nervous about a recipe before. I had never made anything like this - but it was surprisingly easy and I will be far more confident next time! Clearing up took a while, perhaps because I knocked over the sprinkles.....
Clearing up Tips
- DON'T panic!!! You have't ruined your pan etc (unless and liquid sugar gets burned underneath.) as long as you have a large bowl of hot water to submerse the lower half in you an manage this really easily.
- Once you have poured your lollies, the remaining sugar will be hardening and impossible to remove from the pan. Heat gently until it starts to move again, and literally POUR it into the cold water. It will set immediately, and your pan will have so little left in that the rest will easily dissolve in hot soapy water!
Friday, 28 November 2014
Single Ingredient Lollies
As promised, here is how to make #freefrom lollies, from the lovely Emma Cawood who is part of our Facebook Group.
Emma describes so emotively the reality of catering for a child with few safe foods, and the lengths we mothers go to to ensure they don't miss out more than they have to.
Over to Emma:-
With the Christmas holidays fast approaching I could feel that feeling off doom overwhelming me once again. The dreaded season of parties and family get togethers, where every event seems to focus around food. If I'm being truthful I think T deals with it all much better than I do. He just takes it on the chin and accepts it for what it is. I'm the one that carries the burden and constantly questions whether this is having an impact on his childhood. Are his Christmas memories going to be ruined in someway because he never had a Candy Cane or Mince Pie? Because his selection boxes didn't contain chocolate will he somehow grow up unhinged? Ridiculous I know but it's the kind of thing that goes through my head on a regular basis.
So the day arrived that I thought I owed it to T to try and make a sweet of some sort out of his 6 safe foods. If I tried and failed at I would be able to hold my hands up and say at least I had given it my best shot. The good news is after a week of trawling books, the web and dismissing so many things due to too many ingredients I came upon a simple Sugar Lolly. The original recipe had more ingredients in it than T could tolerate so I omitted them all and went with pure sugar. Not the best option I know when you think of those little teeth and with my biggest boy I would have been hyperventilating at the sheer thought of it but these wouldn't be given more than once a week and as T gets no other sugar in his diet I took the bulls by the horns and went for it.
The first day I tried to make them I boiled the sugar in a solid bottomed pan on a low heat. It went through the various stages. Melted, grainy, back to powder again and then finally just as I was giving up hope it turned to a lovely golden caramel colour. I quickly poured over plastic cake pop sticks that I had laid out lovingly on plastic sheeting. However it soon turned into disaster. Without a mould the sugar didn't stay in neat round lollypop shapes, it ran everywhere. The pan began to boil and burn so when trying to remove the sugar from the pan I flicked it into my eye and nearly blinded myself. My husband arrived home to smoke, screams and chaos. Ok I thought! This isn't going to be as easy as it seems.
Day 2, I was prepared with goggles, a new bag of sugar and a positive attitude. I had ordered a chocolate lolly mould online and set my stall out properly. The sugar started to melt and go through its various stages again but this time I was ready for it. As soon as it turned a lovely amber colour I took it straight off the heat and poured into the moulds. Yay!!!! I had lollies. Safe, gorgeous lollies for my beautiful boy. Ok, not the easiest thing to make but if they bring a teeny bit of joy to his life then worth every ounce of effort, after all when you're 7 years old to be able to eat something similar to other children means everything and even more so at Christmas.
Over to Emma:-
With the Christmas holidays fast approaching I could feel that feeling off doom overwhelming me once again. The dreaded season of parties and family get togethers, where every event seems to focus around food. If I'm being truthful I think T deals with it all much better than I do. He just takes it on the chin and accepts it for what it is. I'm the one that carries the burden and constantly questions whether this is having an impact on his childhood. Are his Christmas memories going to be ruined in someway because he never had a Candy Cane or Mince Pie? Because his selection boxes didn't contain chocolate will he somehow grow up unhinged? Ridiculous I know but it's the kind of thing that goes through my head on a regular basis.
So the day arrived that I thought I owed it to T to try and make a sweet of some sort out of his 6 safe foods. If I tried and failed at I would be able to hold my hands up and say at least I had given it my best shot. The good news is after a week of trawling books, the web and dismissing so many things due to too many ingredients I came upon a simple Sugar Lolly. The original recipe had more ingredients in it than T could tolerate so I omitted them all and went with pure sugar. Not the best option I know when you think of those little teeth and with my biggest boy I would have been hyperventilating at the sheer thought of it but these wouldn't be given more than once a week and as T gets no other sugar in his diet I took the bulls by the horns and went for it.
The first day I tried to make them I boiled the sugar in a solid bottomed pan on a low heat. It went through the various stages. Melted, grainy, back to powder again and then finally just as I was giving up hope it turned to a lovely golden caramel colour. I quickly poured over plastic cake pop sticks that I had laid out lovingly on plastic sheeting. However it soon turned into disaster. Without a mould the sugar didn't stay in neat round lollypop shapes, it ran everywhere. The pan began to boil and burn so when trying to remove the sugar from the pan I flicked it into my eye and nearly blinded myself. My husband arrived home to smoke, screams and chaos. Ok I thought! This isn't going to be as easy as it seems.
Day 2, I was prepared with goggles, a new bag of sugar and a positive attitude. I had ordered a chocolate lolly mould online and set my stall out properly. The sugar started to melt and go through its various stages again but this time I was ready for it. As soon as it turned a lovely amber colour I took it straight off the heat and poured into the moulds. Yay!!!! I had lollies. Safe, gorgeous lollies for my beautiful boy. Ok, not the easiest thing to make but if they bring a teeny bit of joy to his life then worth every ounce of effort, after all when you're 7 years old to be able to eat something similar to other children means everything and even more so at Christmas.
Emma has inspired me - we are supremely fortunate that corn syrup is not an issue so I might manage to make some without the moulds, all being well!
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
No more Mr NICE guy.
I'm actually fuming. Really spitting angry. Because of THIS.
I joke that I've been "riding the reflux roller coaster" for many, many years. But actually, it's no joke at all. Not even a tiny bit amusing. Because when you can be accused of something as utterly ridiculous as not feeding your baby appropriately/sufficiently because an arrogant health professional has never heard of reflux occurring in children without considerable disabilities after the age of twelve months you begin to lose your cool. And that was after many years of (relative) restraint, anxiety, despair, sleepless nights, screaming babies and nearly losing the plot all together.
Most babies DO outgrow their reflux. It isn't always a long-term debilitating problem. Neither is it a "disease". It is a symptom - usually of an immature sphincter, perhaps due to a developmental disorder and is often present in those with other underlying health conditions, but increasingly it is due to the gut responding inappropriately to food proteins (most commonly cow's milk) causing inflammation.
The gut is basically a hosepipe. Squeeze one section (inflammation) and the flow changes along the pipe. Inflammation anywhere will, can and DOES have an impact anywhere along it's length. So kids with constipation will commonly have reflux and people with a slow emptying stomach will have reflux due to backwards pressure too. It's really not rocket science - yet STILL top consultants cling to the outdated notion that reflux is a disease in its own right.
And babies with bowel inflammation will most likely have significant acid reflux.
Because they are on a liquid diet, because they spend a long time lying down and because their gut is immature (the sphincter muscle sealing the stomach may not be quite tight enough) meaning they regurgitate more and also swallow more air, which needs to come up. (How many reflux mums will tell you that the entire feed will come back until the wind, trapped at the bottom *finally* comes up? probably almost all.) Babies are also at higher risk of gut allergies too - at least in the short term due to a permeable gut which is designed to allow maternal antibodies through and offer extra immunity. (Which is why the WHO recommend delaying weaning until 6 months of age.)
There is increasing evidence that gut bacteria play a role in the infant gut, immunity and gastrointestinal disorders. Babies have a suppressed immune system at birth which gives a narrow window for the colonisation of their gut with healthy, protective bacteria. But in the West too many babies are given antibiotics early, born by caesarean section, or are formula fed and all these factors do have play a contributory role.
We also have this ridiculous notion in the West that babies should be allowed to cry. Babies cry to communicate with their mothers - you won't come across babies sleeping in separate rooms, "crying it out" or suffering from "colic" in the indigenous populations of the Third World. And this bizarre acceptance of infant distress is a hang-up from bygone times - yet STILL mothers have to try and explain to their (usually male) doctors that something is not right, that their baby is suffering - struggling to have some recognition of their (very valid) opinion.
So this paragraph made me particularly furious:-
I've been fighting, campaigning and persistently spreading the word about reflux for 17 years now. We all suffer here - possibly partially due to a connective disorder, certainly due to gut inflammation - but I spent months of Hell with ALL four of my children trying to obtain appropriate support. Even when lack of answers led to the finger being pointed at ME I refused to stay quiet, because I have reflux. It hurts! My Dad has suffered all his life - nearly died of aspiration pneumonia when younger, we have a family history as long as your arm, and whilst I would have LOVED those years of sleepless nights to have been a figment of my imagination, my husband would testify to the contrary.
I do think we have lost our way a bit though. GPs began to play "catch up" and realise that infant Gaviscon only helps a tiny percentage of babies with reflux. It is a thickener too, creating a "raft" over the stomach contents and whilst this can be useful in some babies, it slows down gut motility and often causes constipation - which makes reflux worse! Even when this is less obvious it can slow gastric emptying sufficiently to cause problems.
(Some!) Doctors also began to realise that early weaning is probably not a good idea. Babies with reflux may sometimes be low in weight and solids fill them up but are less calorie dense. They slow down the gut too as their take longer to digest being another risk factor for constipation and making reflux worse! most worryingly the infant gut is permeable for the first six months and foreign food proteins can often get through and cause a local allergic response.
NICE Guidelines for diagnosing and treating food allergy (IgE and non IgE responses) was published in Feb 2011 and whilst there is still a VERY long way to go more and more doctors are recognising that food proteins are causing the (very real) conditions such as FPIES, Proctocolitis, IBD and Eosinophilic Disease. Top paediatric allergists like Adam Fox have explained how food proteins such as Cows' Milk can and do cause problems and the message was very, very slowly starting to get through...... So stronger medications were prescribed - acid blockers like Ranitidine and Proton Pump Inhibitors like Omeprazole which definitely help hugely in appropriate cases. And the pharmaceutical industry responded in full, omeprazole is now one of the top prescription drugs in the UK, across all age groups!
And now, it seems there is concern that too many infants - and children, are taking these drugs.
I would not disagree with that at ALL. But apart from the tiny minority that maybe are over-prescribing, I assume doctors would correctly refer cases on to professionals best able to judge whether such drugs are necessary?
Surely the bigger issue here, is WHY so many infants and children are NEEDING these medications?
Even our consultant in London has said there is an "epidemic" of such cases.
Apparently not, it's easier to blame mothers, after all what do we know about our own children?
But most of all, I'm furious that this slipped under the radar - the article is from AUGUST, when most mothers are in the middle of the summer holidays busy with families or away. The directive is here and the draft guidance here.I hope to goodness someone actually addresses the real issues here:-
Have your say - sign the epetition to change outcomes for mothers and their babies with reflux.
I joke that I've been "riding the reflux roller coaster" for many, many years. But actually, it's no joke at all. Not even a tiny bit amusing. Because when you can be accused of something as utterly ridiculous as not feeding your baby appropriately/sufficiently because an arrogant health professional has never heard of reflux occurring in children without considerable disabilities after the age of twelve months you begin to lose your cool. And that was after many years of (relative) restraint, anxiety, despair, sleepless nights, screaming babies and nearly losing the plot all together.
Most babies DO outgrow their reflux. It isn't always a long-term debilitating problem. Neither is it a "disease". It is a symptom - usually of an immature sphincter, perhaps due to a developmental disorder and is often present in those with other underlying health conditions, but increasingly it is due to the gut responding inappropriately to food proteins (most commonly cow's milk) causing inflammation.
The gut is basically a hosepipe. Squeeze one section (inflammation) and the flow changes along the pipe. Inflammation anywhere will, can and DOES have an impact anywhere along it's length. So kids with constipation will commonly have reflux and people with a slow emptying stomach will have reflux due to backwards pressure too. It's really not rocket science - yet STILL top consultants cling to the outdated notion that reflux is a disease in its own right.
And babies with bowel inflammation will most likely have significant acid reflux.
Because they are on a liquid diet, because they spend a long time lying down and because their gut is immature (the sphincter muscle sealing the stomach may not be quite tight enough) meaning they regurgitate more and also swallow more air, which needs to come up. (How many reflux mums will tell you that the entire feed will come back until the wind, trapped at the bottom *finally* comes up? probably almost all.) Babies are also at higher risk of gut allergies too - at least in the short term due to a permeable gut which is designed to allow maternal antibodies through and offer extra immunity. (Which is why the WHO recommend delaying weaning until 6 months of age.)
There is increasing evidence that gut bacteria play a role in the infant gut, immunity and gastrointestinal disorders. Babies have a suppressed immune system at birth which gives a narrow window for the colonisation of their gut with healthy, protective bacteria. But in the West too many babies are given antibiotics early, born by caesarean section, or are formula fed and all these factors do have play a contributory role.
We also have this ridiculous notion in the West that babies should be allowed to cry. Babies cry to communicate with their mothers - you won't come across babies sleeping in separate rooms, "crying it out" or suffering from "colic" in the indigenous populations of the Third World. And this bizarre acceptance of infant distress is a hang-up from bygone times - yet STILL mothers have to try and explain to their (usually male) doctors that something is not right, that their baby is suffering - struggling to have some recognition of their (very valid) opinion.
So this paragraph made me particularly furious:-
"A lot of this is about the relationship between the baby and the mother and the mother's reaction to anything unpleasant or abnormal happening to the baby. "This guideline will empower GPs to reassure mothers there is nothing is wrong and they will get better on their own."We should not have mothers sent away being told a persistently unhappy child is acceptable, a figment of our imaginations or in any way appropriate to ignore.
I've been fighting, campaigning and persistently spreading the word about reflux for 17 years now. We all suffer here - possibly partially due to a connective disorder, certainly due to gut inflammation - but I spent months of Hell with ALL four of my children trying to obtain appropriate support. Even when lack of answers led to the finger being pointed at ME I refused to stay quiet, because I have reflux. It hurts! My Dad has suffered all his life - nearly died of aspiration pneumonia when younger, we have a family history as long as your arm, and whilst I would have LOVED those years of sleepless nights to have been a figment of my imagination, my husband would testify to the contrary.
So WHY, after years of progress are NICE seeking to turn the clock back?
![]() | |
(Some!) Doctors also began to realise that early weaning is probably not a good idea. Babies with reflux may sometimes be low in weight and solids fill them up but are less calorie dense. They slow down the gut too as their take longer to digest being another risk factor for constipation and making reflux worse! most worryingly the infant gut is permeable for the first six months and foreign food proteins can often get through and cause a local allergic response.
NICE Guidelines for diagnosing and treating food allergy (IgE and non IgE responses) was published in Feb 2011 and whilst there is still a VERY long way to go more and more doctors are recognising that food proteins are causing the (very real) conditions such as FPIES, Proctocolitis, IBD and Eosinophilic Disease. Top paediatric allergists like Adam Fox have explained how food proteins such as Cows' Milk can and do cause problems and the message was very, very slowly starting to get through...... So stronger medications were prescribed - acid blockers like Ranitidine and Proton Pump Inhibitors like Omeprazole which definitely help hugely in appropriate cases. And the pharmaceutical industry responded in full, omeprazole is now one of the top prescription drugs in the UK, across all age groups!
And now, it seems there is concern that too many infants - and children, are taking these drugs.
I would not disagree with that at ALL. But apart from the tiny minority that maybe are over-prescribing, I assume doctors would correctly refer cases on to professionals best able to judge whether such drugs are necessary?
Surely the bigger issue here, is WHY so many infants and children are NEEDING these medications?
Even our consultant in London has said there is an "epidemic" of such cases.
Apparently not, it's easier to blame mothers, after all what do we know about our own children?
But most of all, I'm furious that this slipped under the radar - the article is from AUGUST, when most mothers are in the middle of the summer holidays busy with families or away. The directive is here and the draft guidance here.I hope to goodness someone actually addresses the real issues here:-
- Infant reflux with additional food related concerns is on the rise, and reaching almost epidemic proportions.
- IgE food allergies are also on the rise. Approximately 30% of children in all primary school classes will have an allergy.
- Gut allergies (non IgE) allergies are under recorded and poorly understood. Recent research and progress is actually now being diluted to fit in with National opinion.
- Somehow, the way live, the way we produce and process our food is contributing to this exponential rise in both food allergies and gut inflammation which cause reflux and bowl disorders in our young people.
- Less than 1% of medical research funding in the UK goes on gastrointestinal topics, NONE on paediatric gastroenterology. Isn't it about time we recognised not only the importance of the gut, but it's role in our overall health?
- The way we view mothers, babies and families has to change. Because slapping down mothers who are worried about their babies is certainly not the way forward. Scapegoating them will NOT address the fundamental concerns in the West about our gastrointestinal health, reflux is not going to go away, and neither are bowel disorders relating to food allergy.
Have your say - sign the epetition to change outcomes for mothers and their babies with reflux.
bowel disease,
food allergy,
gut allergy,
infant reflux,
reflux disease
Ipswich, UK
Friday, 21 November 2014
Facebook Group Recipe Round-up

The members of our Facebook group are soon going to put me out of a job.... we've had some inspirational cooking with very few ingredients showcased on there this week.
Here a just a few of them!
Chicken Pop Corn Kebabs
- Cooked chicken breast, cooked mashed sweet potato, dash of oil and a little water if needed.
- Bind all ingredients together in a bowl with maize meal (polenta).
- Season if allowed and then divide into balls and pop on a baking tray, keep checking and turning. (Not an exact science as to when done. Just check and check.)
- Once crispy and firm take out. I bought cake pop sticks and put 3 on each (like a kebab).
- Eat hot and cold.
Gingerbread Reindeer
Using a slightly different recipe to mine - (from the Glutafin site) one member made her own gingerbread reindeer. It's really simple, you can read more here.
I love the glass cherries for the red noses!
Lollies - Coming Soon!!!
Last but not least, I take my hat off to the person who made lollies on sticks from sugar alone, and wrapped them to look like store bought lollies! A real treat. For children who can only eat homemade food, sometimes making something look less homemade is a treat. My Mum used to make most off my clothes when I was younger, and clothes with labels in generated a great deal of excitement!
Keep checking back/subscribe for more info on how to make these simple treats.
allergic gut disease,
exclusion diets,
Facebook group,
food allergies,
Ipswich, UK
Friday, 7 November 2014
Gingerbread Reindeer
A lovely easy biscuit recipe from a friend that you can decorate to make reindeer! This was a wonderful tip I saw doing the rounds on Social Media last year.
This recipe is so easy, it's a blend of various recipes so things like xanthum gum may need tweaking and the amount of flour may need to be increased. This will make about 30 gingerbread men/reindeer.
• 140g pure sunflower spread
• 100g dark muscovado sugar
• 3 tbsp golden syrup
• 350g Doves gluten free plain flour
• 1 tsp gluten free bicarbonate of soda
• 1.5 tsp Xanthum gum
• 3 tsp ground ginger
• 1 tsp ground nutmeg
• 1 tsp ground cloves
Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Line 2 baking sheets with baking parchment. Melt butter, sugar and syrup in a pan. Mix flour, soda, spices and xanthum gum in a bowl. Stir in the butter mix to make a stiff-ish dough.
Wait until cool enough to handle, then roll out dough to about 5mm thick. Stamp out gingerbread men, re-rolling and pressing the trimmings back together and rolling again. Lift onto baking sheets.
Bake for 10-12 mins until golden.
Cool 10 mins on the sheets, then lift onto cooling racks.
Decorate upside down as reindeer!
Tip: Remember that these will spread a little in the oven so keep a bit of a space between them.
These keep for about a week in an airtight tin, dough should freeze if made in quantity.
dairy free,
egg free,
free from for kids,
gluten free,
milk free,
soya free,
wheat free
Ipswich, UK
Thursday, 30 October 2014
On the off chance your children have yet to remind you, tomorrow is Hallowe'en! If they would like to learn more about the history of Hallowe'en, send them over to our sister Blog, The Diary of Dorothy Whiskers.
Here at The Recipe Resource we have been busy preparing some old favourites with a Hallowe'en twist, and inventing some new ones!
If your little ones are at nursery tomorrow, I posted a lunch box suggestion last year which popped up on Social Media.
You can adjust this to suit your child's diet, so use houmous/sweet potato puree/nut butter on the pumpkin and this could be a roll (just made pumpkin rolls with the Juvela Harvest White Mix here in silicone pumpkin moulds) or savoury cookies. Similarly alter the filling for the celery and se red pepper if strawberries are not tolerated, raisins instead of the olive.... be inventive!
Today I made the chocolate muffins from here which would not work so well for egg allergy sufferers as you are substituting 3 eggs. However, I have used cornbread with cocoa powder which always achieves excellent results. Then I popped them into Hallowe'en cupcake cases from ASDA and iced them with the Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge icing which is, surprisingly free from most things! lastly the ASDA graveyard decoration kit was also free from all we were avoiding but would not suit everyone.
The Krispy Cakes are Little O's (but could have been any cereal) with melted safe chocolate and a little golden syrup mixed with them and left to set, with Haribo Mini Halloween Jellies on top.
There are plenty of Hallowe'en treats available for children with allergies, although most reach for Haribo, but with a bit of imagination and a few cutters, stamps and accessories you can achieve a great deal!
I've just finished decorating, and we're all set!
Here at The Recipe Resource we have been busy preparing some old favourites with a Hallowe'en twist, and inventing some new ones!
If your little ones are at nursery tomorrow, I posted a lunch box suggestion last year which popped up on Social Media.
You can adjust this to suit your child's diet, so use houmous/sweet potato puree/nut butter on the pumpkin and this could be a roll (just made pumpkin rolls with the Juvela Harvest White Mix here in silicone pumpkin moulds) or savoury cookies. Similarly alter the filling for the celery and se red pepper if strawberries are not tolerated, raisins instead of the olive.... be inventive!
Today I made the chocolate muffins from here which would not work so well for egg allergy sufferers as you are substituting 3 eggs. However, I have used cornbread with cocoa powder which always achieves excellent results. Then I popped them into Hallowe'en cupcake cases from ASDA and iced them with the Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge icing which is, surprisingly free from most things! lastly the ASDA graveyard decoration kit was also free from all we were avoiding but would not suit everyone.
The Krispy Cakes are Little O's (but could have been any cereal) with melted safe chocolate and a little golden syrup mixed with them and left to set, with Haribo Mini Halloween Jellies on top.
There are plenty of Hallowe'en treats available for children with allergies, although most reach for Haribo, but with a bit of imagination and a few cutters, stamps and accessories you can achieve a great deal!
I've just finished decorating, and we're all set!
chocolate cakes,
packed lunch
Ipswich, UK
Friday, 24 October 2014
Mini Crumble Pots!
I'm rather pleased with this! Using the wonderful Clearspring Organic Puree pots, I have created mini Crumble Desserts for my two.
These little pots are individually sized, and unlike some of the "baby" versions we have relied on in the past they are not at all watery and make perfect desserts on their own, in baked goods or in a pudding.
- To make these I used the Apple and Blueberry purees as October is #AppleMonth . I scooped one teaspoon out of each pot (yum yum!) as without this the pot would become too full and bubble over in the oven.
- I then sprinkled on a little of my crumble mixture, which I tend to keep a bag of in my freezer. (You could just as easily crumble a flapjack over the top instead.)
- Bake in the oven at 180C for 5 minutes!
For the Crumble Mixture
- 6 oz Dove's Farm flour
- 2 oz gluten free oats
- 2 oz sugar (soft brown for a warmer, nutty taste)
- 4 oz Pure sunflower.
They were a big success here today!
dairy free,
egg free,
gluten free,
soya free,
wheat free
Ipswich, UK
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Gluten Substitution
Disclaimer : These are just some of the ideas I have picked up over the years. I'm a parent, dragged kicking and screaming plunged into freefrom cooking and gradually finding my own way. I'm not a nutritionist, not a health professional, just a parent but one hoping to help others on my freefrom journey.
Many Recipe Resource readers are "MEWS" free, which for those who don't know means "Milk, Egg, Wheat and Soy free". Increasingly however, children (more so than adults) with allergic gut disease are reacting at cell level to gluten - yet are NOT coeliac. I wrote here about the differences between Coeliac Disease and a Gut Allergy to Gluten. They are NOT the same thing. A person may indeed have gut allergies (non IgE responses rather than systemic whole body IgE reactions) AND Coeliac Disease but that is not because they have the same cause. What IS interesting however is that EGID is increasingly likely to have an autoimmune component.
For the purpose of this post, I'm focussing on ways of creating culinary perfection (or close to it!) WITHOUT gluten. Going gluten free is far more involved than removing wheat -but isn't as scary as it sounds.
SO how do you rework your diet to exclude Gluten?
Here follows the Ultimate Cheat Sheet on going Gluten Free.
1. To exclude Gluten you need to know what it IS.
Gluten is potentially everywhere! You need to check, check, check and check again. Assume nothing.
2. Alternative names for Gluten.
Anything with "wheat" in the ingredients, however low on the list isn't remotely gluten free. Likewise beware of flour, malt (from barley unless otherwise specified), bulgur, semolina, spelt, frumento, durum (also spelled duram), kamut, graham, einkorn, farina, couscous, seitan, matzoh, matzah, matzo, and cake flour. Often marketed as a “wheat alternative,” none of these is even remotely gluten-free. More detail on an excellent site "Gluten Free for Dummies" here
There is excellent, fully comprehensive information on Coeliac UK on shopping gluten free, which symbols mean wheat/gluten free etc and how to avoid gluten.
Interesting fact:-
3. Shopping Gluten free
There are now many brands which cater for those eating gluten free and it is becoming increasingly easy to source gluten free products and product replacements. Companies like Udi's, DS Gluten Free, Newburn Bakehouse, Juvela, Genius and supermarket brands all stock an ever increasing range. However, if you are already on a restricted diet this may not be of much help. Our GP practice will prescribe gluten free products as my twins have a diagnosis based on biopsy. However 90% of products available for prescription have soya in which we have to avoid! Multiple food exclusions usually means you are baking yourself...
4. Baking gluten free
Many recipes allow for straight substitutions. For example I bake regular sponge cakes with Dove's Farm flour, and although it contains some Xanthan Gum I usually add another teaspoon. Xanthan Gum is a sticky binding agent and replaces the sticky binding role gluten plays in regular wheat flour.
5. Thinking outside the box
Sometimes, you need to stop thinking of replacement and start thinking alternatives. Do you need a bread alternative or a pasta substitute? Going gluten free can in fact be quite liberating, although tricky for a child with the aded bonus of suspicion around food and reliance on familiarity.
We are so conditioned in the West to reaching for wheat based carbohydrate than it can take a while to educate the mind AND the palate, but there are many exciting alternatives out there.
Avoiding wheat - meal alternatives
Think rice cakes, corn cakes, rice balls and rice noodles for lunches.
Cornbread as a savoury loaf with chilli or sweetened to make a cake.
Savoury Pancakes with Buckwheat and filled with veg and pulse based mixtures.
Potato cakes, with lentil burgers and tomato sauce.
Lasagna using vegetables sliced to make the layers.
Think basic, natural and fresh, then build up from there. There are increasing numbers of Paleo dietary foods and these are grain free and naturally gluten free and generally healthy. We have become so reliant on wheat and other grains that our overly processed diet is dependent on them. Going gluten free can be tough at first, but you can get used to it. Ensure your child gets sufficient protein to fill them up though - fruit and veg are great but are not very satisfying.
Many Recipe Resource readers are "MEWS" free, which for those who don't know means "Milk, Egg, Wheat and Soy free". Increasingly however, children (more so than adults) with allergic gut disease are reacting at cell level to gluten - yet are NOT coeliac. I wrote here about the differences between Coeliac Disease and a Gut Allergy to Gluten. They are NOT the same thing. A person may indeed have gut allergies (non IgE responses rather than systemic whole body IgE reactions) AND Coeliac Disease but that is not because they have the same cause. What IS interesting however is that EGID is increasingly likely to have an autoimmune component.
For the purpose of this post, I'm focussing on ways of creating culinary perfection (or close to it!) WITHOUT gluten. Going gluten free is far more involved than removing wheat -but isn't as scary as it sounds.
SO how do you rework your diet to exclude Gluten?
Here follows the Ultimate Cheat Sheet on going Gluten Free.
1. To exclude Gluten you need to know what it IS.
Wikipaedia states:-"Gluten (from Latin gluten, "glue") is a protein composite found in wheat and related grains, including barley and rye. Gluten gives elasticity to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture."And herein lies the problem. Many grains contain gluten, and more are contaminated with it due to milling and production processes.
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Image courtesy of Amy Myers Md |
Gluten is potentially everywhere! You need to check, check, check and check again. Assume nothing.
2. Alternative names for Gluten.
Anything with "wheat" in the ingredients, however low on the list isn't remotely gluten free. Likewise beware of flour, malt (from barley unless otherwise specified), bulgur, semolina, spelt, frumento, durum (also spelled duram), kamut, graham, einkorn, farina, couscous, seitan, matzoh, matzah, matzo, and cake flour. Often marketed as a “wheat alternative,” none of these is even remotely gluten-free. More detail on an excellent site "Gluten Free for Dummies" here
There is excellent, fully comprehensive information on Coeliac UK on shopping gluten free, which symbols mean wheat/gluten free etc and how to avoid gluten.
Interesting fact:-
Wheat starch is actually wheat that’s had the gluten washed out. In some countries, a special type of wheat starch called Codex Alimentarius wheat starch is permitted on the gluten-free diet.
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cracker stack image courtesy of thanunkorn at |
3. Shopping Gluten free
There are now many brands which cater for those eating gluten free and it is becoming increasingly easy to source gluten free products and product replacements. Companies like Udi's, DS Gluten Free, Newburn Bakehouse, Juvela, Genius and supermarket brands all stock an ever increasing range. However, if you are already on a restricted diet this may not be of much help. Our GP practice will prescribe gluten free products as my twins have a diagnosis based on biopsy. However 90% of products available for prescription have soya in which we have to avoid! Multiple food exclusions usually means you are baking yourself...
4. Baking gluten free
Many recipes allow for straight substitutions. For example I bake regular sponge cakes with Dove's Farm flour, and although it contains some Xanthan Gum I usually add another teaspoon. Xanthan Gum is a sticky binding agent and replaces the sticky binding role gluten plays in regular wheat flour.
If, however your child is allergic or intolerant to the ingredients in the blended flours you can create your own from tolerated alternatives. Use the following chart to replace wheat/rice with your choice of flour(s).
4. Binding Agents
If your cannot use Xanthan Gum there are some alternative options to replace the elasticity and air trapping gluten brings. The air trapping is especially important because without being able to hold the CO2 made by yeast or baking soda, baked goods can’t rise. Elasticity makes dough more malleable, holding it together so that it doesn’t turn into a crumbly mess after baking!
You have to following to choose from:-
You have to following to choose from:-
- Eggs (rarely an option for allergic children so I won't pursue this although do see my Tiana coconut flour recipes if you tolerate eggs.)
- Gums -Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide from fermentation of sugars and used in many food products. It also works as an emulsifier. Guar Gum is similar, coming from the Guar Bean. Both work well in baking. If combined together they thicken and have an effect greater than twice the original effect!
- Gelatin such as Agar. This is a vegetarian/vegan option made from seaweed. Not great for baking and definitely better for more brittle products.
- Flax Seed Meal/Chia -When hydrated the oils in the flax create a nice viscous solution more similar in baking properties to a gum. The starch granules become hydrated in a viscous solution and the expansion of air cells facilitates gelatinization of the starch which is the binding effect.
5. Thinking outside the box
Sometimes, you need to stop thinking of replacement and start thinking alternatives. Do you need a bread alternative or a pasta substitute? Going gluten free can in fact be quite liberating, although tricky for a child with the aded bonus of suspicion around food and reliance on familiarity.
We are so conditioned in the West to reaching for wheat based carbohydrate than it can take a while to educate the mind AND the palate, but there are many exciting alternatives out there.
Avoiding wheat - meal alternatives
Think rice cakes, corn cakes, rice balls and rice noodles for lunches.
Cornbread as a savoury loaf with chilli or sweetened to make a cake.
Savoury Pancakes with Buckwheat and filled with veg and pulse based mixtures.
Potato cakes, with lentil burgers and tomato sauce.
Lasagna using vegetables sliced to make the layers.
Think basic, natural and fresh, then build up from there. There are increasing numbers of Paleo dietary foods and these are grain free and naturally gluten free and generally healthy. We have become so reliant on wheat and other grains that our overly processed diet is dependent on them. Going gluten free can be tough at first, but you can get used to it. Ensure your child gets sufficient protein to fill them up though - fruit and veg are great but are not very satisfying.
binding agents,
gluten free,
gluten intolerance,
guar gum,
gut allergy,
xanthan gum
Ipswich, UK
Monday, 20 October 2014
Cooking with Apples - Apple Month
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Photo courtesy of Kirinoha / Flickr Creative Commons edited by me. |
Rather belated I know, but there are still almost TWO WEEKS to get baking before October is out!
There are many different types of apples. They are so versatile although - unlike bananas definitely not a raising agent and can have the opposite effect when baking!
I grew up in a village where we were lucky enough to have a large enough garden with a small orchard. My parents moved away from there only two years ago and I'm still struggling with the loss of my fruit source, my freezer has never been so empty!
Baking with Apples
A basic sponge recipe with ingredients substituted for #freefrom alternatives can be transformed with the addition of cinnamon and nutmeg in the batter, poured on to a circle of apple slices on the base of the tin. Perfect apple cake!
Or simpler still, just stew some apples and have containers ready to defrost in the freezer. When you have some flapjacks handy, crumble one or two over small portions of apple for instant desserts!
If you need gluten free flapjacks, this is the GF recipe.
We regularly make a crumble mix which is roughly
- 6 oz Dove's Farm flour
- 2 oz gluten free oats
- 2 oz sugar (soft brown for a warmer, nutty taste)
- 4 oz Pure sunflower.
Mix until it is starting to collect together, sprinkle over (defrosted) stewed apple and bake at 180C for long enough that the top goes golden brown.
I've made Bran and Raisin muffins :-
My personal favourite, blackberry and apple muffins :-
And last but not least Apple and Cinnamon Fairy Cakes
And if I'm *really* pushed for time, it's a whole cooking apple, core cut out and filled with dried fruit, cinnamon and baked in the microwave (covered in cling film!) for 2-3 minutes. At Christmas time I swap the centre filling for mincemeat!
Ipswich, UK
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Frank Bars - Review
Disclaimer - The Recipe Resource were sent five Frank Bars for the purpose of an independent review. The views expressed are entirely my own - or rather those of my fussy, hard to please taste-testers!
About the Frank Food Company
"FRANK bars are a deliciously indulgent snack bar made with 100% natural ingredients such as wholegrain oats, dates & dried plums and topped with a delicious dairy free Coconut Cream chocolate. FRANK bars are gluten, nut, & dairy free and are a source of protein, with each bar containing almost 4g of protein per 35g bar. FRANK bars also contain ENERGYSMART®, which is a patented, all-natural combination of carbohydrates from select fruits (apple, grape & pear) plus specially developed natural dextrins from grain which together provide longer-lasting energy. ENERGYSMART® is a registered trademark of Advanced Ingredients Inc. (USA)"
There are currently five Frank Bars available - Oat and Chocolate, Blueberry and Chocolate, Strawberry and Chocolate, Orange and Chocolate and plain Chocolate. They are more cocoa flavoured than "chocolate" and a wonderful chewy-but-not-too-sticky texture.
We were particularly keen to get hold of these because our current favourite bars contain cashew nuts. Whilst this is wonderful for my children's protein intake on their very restricted diet, they were not allowed in school because for some nut allergic children even cashew nuts are dangerous due to processing methods. Frank bars are nut free so this is not an issue.
Another major issue for us is soya avoidance. Too many foods replace dairy with soya and my twins - particularly our daughter are extremely sensitive to soya. The last accidental ingestion caused two days of considerable acute ill health and a month's recovery time. Frank bars are soya free too!
Frank bars also have a sustained energy release so are ideal to carry in bags for energy dips. For us, this is more than a potential unpleasant energy lull, as we have low blood sugars to manage in one child and these can actively help as part of a balanced diet.
So - what did we think?
The twins loved all except (bizarrely?) the plain chocolate bar. Blueberry and Strawberry were a real hit, orange was "good" and the oat one "nice". All round a massive thumbs up!
Our daughter really struggles with foods that are too sticky or chewy so these are fantastic. They are both quite suspicious of new foods, previously associating many foods with pain and discomfort so to spontaneously give a new food a positive endorsement is a huge compliment.
Which were their favourites?
As a parent I'm really pleased to have discovered Frank Bars. They certainly tick all my boxes and I'm delighted that Asda now stock them which makes it a little easier to source them - although I notice you can purchase directly from the Frank website. It's not often this little chap embraces a new food so enthusiastically - hats off to Frank!
About the Frank Food Company
"FRANK bars are a deliciously indulgent snack bar made with 100% natural ingredients such as wholegrain oats, dates & dried plums and topped with a delicious dairy free Coconut Cream chocolate. FRANK bars are gluten, nut, & dairy free and are a source of protein, with each bar containing almost 4g of protein per 35g bar. FRANK bars also contain ENERGYSMART®, which is a patented, all-natural combination of carbohydrates from select fruits (apple, grape & pear) plus specially developed natural dextrins from grain which together provide longer-lasting energy. ENERGYSMART® is a registered trademark of Advanced Ingredients Inc. (USA)"

We were particularly keen to get hold of these because our current favourite bars contain cashew nuts. Whilst this is wonderful for my children's protein intake on their very restricted diet, they were not allowed in school because for some nut allergic children even cashew nuts are dangerous due to processing methods. Frank bars are nut free so this is not an issue.
Another major issue for us is soya avoidance. Too many foods replace dairy with soya and my twins - particularly our daughter are extremely sensitive to soya. The last accidental ingestion caused two days of considerable acute ill health and a month's recovery time. Frank bars are soya free too!
Frank bars also have a sustained energy release so are ideal to carry in bags for energy dips. For us, this is more than a potential unpleasant energy lull, as we have low blood sugars to manage in one child and these can actively help as part of a balanced diet.
So - what did we think?
The twins loved all except (bizarrely?) the plain chocolate bar. Blueberry and Strawberry were a real hit, orange was "good" and the oat one "nice". All round a massive thumbs up!
Our daughter really struggles with foods that are too sticky or chewy so these are fantastic. They are both quite suspicious of new foods, previously associating many foods with pain and discomfort so to spontaneously give a new food a positive endorsement is a huge compliment.
Which were their favourites?
dairy free,
Frank bars,
gluten free,
low GI,
milk free,
soya free
Ipswich, UK
Monday, 6 October 2014
Millet Pancakes
This is one from a Recipe Resource Facebook Group Member. Her son only has three safe foods and one of them is Millet.
You can practice with it to get a more evenly cooked pancake, make different shapes and even add some fat if tolerated. But it's great to be able to achieve something for a toddler unable to eat more than one food.
- This is a single ingredient recipe - well, two if you count the fizzy water!
- Mix some millet flour with sufficient sparkling water to make a thick, spoonable "dough".
- Fry in a non stick pan/on a griddle, if oil is tolerated you could use a little to stop it sticking.
The finished result:-
You can practice with it to get a more evenly cooked pancake, make different shapes and even add some fat if tolerated. But it's great to be able to achieve something for a toddler unable to eat more than one food.
few food recipe,
single food
Ipswich, UK
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Pizza - Using mixes or baking from scratch?
For years I have used the following Pizza base recipe which is free from – wheat, dairy, egg, soy and corn. It does mean cooking from scratch but I find it's by far the tastiest we've tried.
Prep Time - 15 minutes
Cook Time - 25 minutes
- 1 Tablespoon dry yeast
- 2/3 cup brown rice flour
- 1/2 cup potato flour/ tapioca flour
- 2 teaspoons xanthan gum
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon Italian herb seasoning (optional)
- 2/3 cup warm rice milk (or your choice)
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 1 teaspoon cider vinegar (optional)
- Extra rice flour for sprinkling

It's great - but there are no other options you can buy, premixed and infinitely tastier than the ready made bases which cost a fortune in the supermarket.
- Isabel's Pizza Base Mix This has been recommended but Recipe Resource followers on Twitter as one of the best. BUT - and it's a MASSIVE "but" ... it contains milk powder. Which excludes us and many others I know. As a recipe for coeliacs it sounds great however, the same is true of the Glutafin mix.
- If you receive Juvela mix on prescription, there is a recipe on their website here
- Orgran have a multi mix you can use to make pizza bases, a little more straightforward than the Juvela recipe, and you can purchase their mix online from Goodness Direct, FreeFrom for Kids or Ocado.
- BobsRedMill Gluten Free pizza base mix. This is one I have tried, it is free from most major allergens but again, there is a "but". It is not milled/produced in a certified nut free environment. The ingredients are in the picture below.

So there are alternatives, but we still like our original recipe! Here's how you do it:-
- Preheat oven to 190 degrees . In medium mixer bowl using regular beaters (not dough hooks), blend the yeast, flours, xanthan gum, salt, and Italian seasoning on low speed. Add warm milk, sugar, oil, and vinegar.
- Beat on high speed for 2 minutes. (If the mixer bounces around the bowl, the dough is too stiff. Add water if necessary, one tablespoon at a time, until dough does not resist beaters.) The dough will resemble soft bread dough.
- Put mixture on a greased 12-inch pizza pan. Liberally sprinkle rice flour onto dough, then press dough into pan, continuing to sprinkle dough with flour to prevent sticking to your hands. Make edges thicker to hold the toppings.
- Bake pizza crust for 10 minutes. Remove from oven. Top Pizza Crust with sauce and your preferred toppings. Bake for another 20 to 25 minutes or until top is nicely browned.
Suggestions for toppings:-
- Tomato sauce and fresh cherry tomatoes, sprinkled with Redwood Cheezly Dairy and Soya free cheese.
- Spinach with the above
- Vegusto Melty (if tolerated) cubed and added on the top to resemble a Pizza Express Pizza
- Shredded chicken and sweetcorn
- If you are allowed eggs, a poached egg and spinach are a great combination on top!
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Thanks to members of our Facebook group for providing the photo and Twitter followers for excellent advice! |
baking without,
dairy free,
egg free,
free from,
gluten free,
milk free,
pizza base,
soya free,
wheat free
Ipswich, UK
Saturday, 20 September 2014
An Icy Tale
My daughter had a birthday party to attend today - and I had promised her double chocolate cake to take with her. We always make little cupcakes and decorate them for special occasions like this, since she is unable to share the birthday cake her friends have due to her (very) restricted diet.
Our current favourite chocolate cake mixture is this one:-
I also make my own by just substituting the ingredients in a regular sponge recipe, or cake pops like these but today, after a two hour dance class (during which time I had to wait for her) whilst flying solo following my husband's glaucoma surgery being inventive was just not going to cut it.
So we had these:-
With added cocoa nibs, and they just needed icing.
Having checked online first I ordered some two colour swirls vanilla and chocolate icing to decorate a chocolate cupcake. But checking again I saw that the icing had whey powder in! Back to the drawing board.... with half an hour to go. I spotted the Renshaw naturals icing and quickly make an "Elsa" face to go on top - must have been divine intervention as it turned out there was in fact a "Frozen" theme at the party!
This is not in any way a sponsored post - I'm sure the swirly icing tastes delicious but PLEASE Lakeland, make an effort on your online site! If you are selling food items you have a responsibility to list the ingredients. Food Allergies are no joke.
Here's the result - which I was very pleased with!
Our current favourite chocolate cake mixture is this one:-
Although this is equally good.
I also make my own by just substituting the ingredients in a regular sponge recipe, or cake pops like these but today, after a two hour dance class (during which time I had to wait for her) whilst flying solo following my husband's glaucoma surgery being inventive was just not going to cut it.
So we had these:-
With added cocoa nibs, and they just needed icing.
Having checked online first I ordered some two colour swirls vanilla and chocolate icing to decorate a chocolate cupcake. But checking again I saw that the icing had whey powder in! Back to the drawing board.... with half an hour to go. I spotted the Renshaw naturals icing and quickly make an "Elsa" face to go on top - must have been divine intervention as it turned out there was in fact a "Frozen" theme at the party!
This is not in any way a sponsored post - I'm sure the swirly icing tastes delicious but PLEASE Lakeland, make an effort on your online site! If you are selling food items you have a responsibility to list the ingredients. Food Allergies are no joke.
Here's the result - which I was very pleased with!
Ipswich, UK
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